Team Deathmatch

Team Deathmatch

The classic shooter match mode which lets you engage in intense multiplayer space warfare to eliminate opposition and dominate. This clash revolves around two rival factions battling for supremacy in the cold vacuum of space. Team Deathmatch is a perfect mode for practising your pilot skills, team coordination, and grinding experience.

To play it youโ€™ll need to switch the game mode to "Customโ€. However, keep in mind that Team Deathmatch DOES NOT contribute to accumulating points on the Leaderboard !!!

The primary objective is to eliminate enemy spacecraft and accumulate points for your team. The team that amasses the highest energy count within the given time emerges victorious. Throughout the match, you can upgrade and strategize from your team's base by equipping yourself with a deadlier weapon type by pressing B in your base.

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